Session Editing

NOTE: Editing a Session requires use of the CNDA Modify Session Form.


Editing Project, Subject or Session Labels

  1. To access the Modify Session form, open a Session.
  2. Click Edit in the Actions box.

action box

  1. To edit Project, Subject or Session label click the pencil and paper icon next to the desired field.

modify labels

  1. Based on selection, one of the following dialog boxes will appear.

project modification

subject modification

label modification

  1. Use the selection box to select something already in the CNDA.

  2. For Specific Modifications see below. (Note: User must have Owner access to the current project and Member access to the project to be moved to.)

a. For Project:

  • Choose the project to be moved to.
  • Click Modify.

project mod example

  • Select any assessors that need to be moved.

select assessors example

  • Click Submit.
  • An alert box will appear. You may see one or two of them as shown below.

first alert box

second alert box

b. For Subject:

  • Click the Create Subject button to make a new subject.
  • A new window will appear. Fill in the information on the form.

create subject

  • Click Submit.
  • An alert box will appear as shown below.

third alert box

c. For Label:

  • Type in the new label.
  • Click Modify.
  • An alert box will appear as shown below.

fourth alert box

  1. When complete, you will be returned to the Modify Session form.
  2. DO NOT hit submit.
  3. Click the Back button at the bottom of the form.

back button

Editing Date, Visit ID and Other Fields

  1. Click inside the text box and type in the changes.
  2. Click the drop-down box and select from the list.
  3. Click Submit when editing is complete.

Removing Scans

  1. Go to the scans section on the Modify Session form.
  2. Click the scissors icon to the left of the scan to be removed.

scan list

  1. Click Delete in the dialog box that appears.

delete box

  1. Click Submit.