Requesting Access To a Project


For a current user of the CNDA, there are some steps that can be taken to request access to a specific project. To learn more about what kind of access you can have to a project's data, see documentation on User Roles and Permissions.


Option 1 - Request Access through Project Page

  1. Log into the CNDA.
  2. On the main screen, search for the project by typing part or all of its name in the ID box.

enter project id

  1. Click Submit.

a. If you were able to find your project, proceed to Step 5.

b. If the project was not able to be found in that search proceed to Step 4.

  1. Type part or all of the name of the project in the search box in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Click Go.

search box

a. If you were able to find your project by searching with this field proceed to Step 5.

b. If you were not able to find your project this way proceed to Option 2 and call the CNDA Help Desk.

  1. Click on the project ID you want to request access to.

search display

  1. A Security Warning appears in pink -- This is normal. See the example below.

security warning

Alternatively, if you see a warning that reads "We are unable to provide the requested data. Either you have encountered a link to erroneous data, or this user account does not have access to this data ...", proceed to Option 2.

  1. Click on the Request Access link at the bottom of the Security Warning box.

request access

  1. Fill out the Access Request form.
  2. Select the level of access you require in the drop down list(descriptions of access levels can be found here)

a. Collaborator

b. Member

c. Owner

  1. Add any notes that will be helpful to the project manager.
  2. Click Submit Request when complete.

Option 2 - Contact the CNDA Help Desk

Contact the CNDA Help Desk by emailing us at [email protected]

Some projects will not be visible until you have access to them. In this case, or if you are unsure of the project name, send a request to the help desk.