Requesting Clinical Imaging Data From BJC
CNDA provides a service which delivers de-identified clinical imaging to a project. A PI or study coordinator will typically approach us saying they were told we could download images from the PACS for them.
If the the study IRB has not previously requested a data pull, IRB documentation must be provided, and we must get approval for the pull from BJC. Please follow the steps below to request the data pull.
The fee for this service is $6 per imaging session. You will be invoiced after your sessions have been pulled.
- Send the CNDA Help Desk IRB information from the study. The help desk will need a copy of the IRB Detail and Approval memo before data can be pulled.
a. Download a pdf file of the IRB Detail:
- Go to
- Click on the Project.
- Click on the Project Details tab.
- Click on the View a printer friendly version of the project details link.
- Hit key command to print (Ctrl+P, etc).
- Choose Nitro, Adobe or any .other PDF-creator software.
- Before saving the file make sure that Section 5.3 does not cut off the table that lists the members on the IRB. We need the information listed in the third to last column in that table and sometimes it gets cut off upon saving.
- Save the file with the IRB # as the file name.
b. Download the Approval Memo:
- Go to
- Click on the Approval tab.
- Click on the most recent approval-memo.rtf.
- Save the file with the IRB # as the file name.
- Email the IRB Detail and Approval Memo files to the CNDA help desk at [email protected]. After the CNDA Help Desk receives this information they will invite you to upload your data to a private folder in the WUSTL BOX. In your email, please provide the contact and department number to whom the invoice should be directed. If there are any special instructions for invoicing, please include them.
- To submit your data to the CNDA Help Desk you will need to download and fill out the CNDA Clinical Pull Template. You will fill out the following information:
a. Query Type: What type of format the session information is in.
b. CNDA Project ID: The CNDA project the uploaded information will be stored in.
c. CNDA Subject Label: The CNDA subject to be sued for the session being uploaded
d. CNDA Session Label: The CNDA session label to be used for the session being uploaded.
e. PACS Query Information: The session to be uploaded.
- Once you have filled the template out you will need to upload the data file in to the private folder for this project in WUSTL BOX.
NOTE: You can email the data spreadsheet to the CNDA Help Desk via email sent to "CNDA Help" [email protected]. You also can upload the data spreadsheet in to the WUSTL BOX folder.
a. If using WUSTL BOX, log into WUSTL BOX with your WUSTL key.
b. Click on the folder that pertains to the project you are sending data.
c. Once in that folder, on the right hand side below the green bar at the top of the page, click on the Upload button.
d. Click Files. It will then open up an explorer screen to navigate to your file.
e. Navigate to your file. Select it and click Open.
f. Send an email to CNDA Help Desk letting them know that you have uploaded your data. They will then perform the upload and let you know when it has been completed.
NOTE: Data pulls are processed in the evening at 7pm CST. Requests are processed first come, first serve.