Downloading One Image From Session


  1. Open the Session.
  2. Click on Download in the Actions box at the top right.

action box

  1. Choose to download organized in directories, as one large zip file or as an xml file.

download images

a. Choosing Download Images (zip) will take you to a page to select what individual files you want to download as shown below.

  • You can expand each + to show more detail and be able to select/deselect.
  • Choose the scans to be downloaded.
  • Uncheck any unwanted types or formats: Assessments, Additional Resources, and Misc Files. Usually Snapshots are not needed.

NOTE: Unchecking these will speed up download time and reduce file size.

download images page

  • Once done selecting your files, click Download.
  • It will then download your zip file.

b. Choosing Download Images (dir) will take you to a page to select what files and formats you want to download as shown below. There are three steps in this process.

download images directory

  • Select the Session.
  • Select Image Data.
  • Choose how to download the data.
  • Click Submit.
  • You will receive a pop up message to confirm downloading the files. Click Download.
  • It will then download the zip file.